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Hi and welcome everyone.
My name is Monica and I’m a twenty-something year old l living with an
invisible chronic illness. I have had Migraines since I was 6 years old. Now it
is just categorised as Refractory Chronic Migraine and Chronic daily Headache
The last year has been a real struggle with the impact that this disabling
illness has had on my life. I found myself going from a high level functioning
health professional to a bed bound patient.
I am still on the journey back to striving and not just surviving.
What I have learnt during this journey is the importance of looking after
yourself holistically. No one medication has been effective for me it has
always been a combination of different things.
I am a big advocate for Migraine Awareness as well as accessibility to
treatments for all. So many new migraine treatments are only available to those
that can afford the large out of pocket payments.
When I have a break from Migraine attacks and am not in a dark room with my
eye mask you could either find me cooking or gardening.
I love spending time with my wonderful husband who has been a constant in
all of this. I treasure any activity we get to do as I know I will not always
be up to it
I am also a full time dog mum to my beautiful rescue pup @bobbothedoggo.
So please subscribe to the blog and follow my instagram so you can keep up
to date on with my journey and I can hopefully share with you things that help
me day to day.
I would love it if you check out my Instagram page @hernourishedbrain
Love Monica xx